i have always been one of those people who appreciated chanel, rather than related to or desired a chanel piece, but this year's resort collection has definitely caught my eye.
the show opened with tricorne pirate hats and black capes with sexy lingerie inspired swimwear beneath - oh, and bare feet. watch out for splinters, girls! as many of you may know, i love black, so to see a lot of black swimwear and garments in a resort collection really got me excited.
sexiest pirates i've ever seen
it's this photo that was shown on the front page of style.com that pulled me in to view the rest of the collection. i have to say, this collection wouldn't look half as good if it was on a banal runway; this boardwalk in venice makes an absolutely gorgeous backdrop for the classic blacks and whites as well as the rustic reds used in the collection. my favourite part is the rows of lights used to light up the boardwalk (they remind me of a carnival).
this collection in my opinion is much better than chanel's 2009 resort collection (it would've been better if a model fell in the pool... just saying!). check it out here.