how true it is. the summer is nearly over. it's august and we're approaching the finish line; i'm not too sure what to make of that.
i currently have a minor case of strep throat - not to mention the severe exhaustion i'm experiencing from working all day and partying all night - so, i've been taking the past few days to relax. i'm on penicillin, drowning in lemon-honey water and watching movies, just taking it easy until i go to MTL on wednesday to relapse. i expect to party fucking hard as a motherfuck and did i mention i'm seeing radiohead? hellllzzz yeszzssss. it doesn't get much better than that. really. then i get back to home base that is TOR only to sleep and wake up at 4am to drive down to FLA - my rehab after MTL. this next week will be a bumpy ride. i can't wait.
on another note, i've been listening to she and him all day. i guess i was inclined to do so after watching zooey deschanel in almost famous last night. i haven't listened to much of them since the school year when i'd sleep at rachael's in her twin bed (cozy) and wake up to pancakes and she and him. i miss that so much.
listen to their cover of "bring it on home to me." love.
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